Fireworks Safety Month: 4th of July Fireworks Safety Tips

Photo about July 4th safety tips.

Fireworks Safety Month: 4th of July Fireworks Safety Tips

Nothing says the 4th of July like barbecues, pool parties, parades, and, of course, fireworks. If you plan to set off fireworks or enjoy them as a spectator, understanding firework safety is crucial.

Firework-related injuries are unfortunately common and affect both adults and children. Most injuries require some kind of medical treatment. Here are some firework safety tips that will help keep everyone safe this 4th of July:

Know the Laws

Every city and state has its own set of guidelines regarding selling and setting off fireworks, so you should check your local laws before purchasing them. If buying fireworks for civilian use is legal, make sure that you purchase only legal fireworks. Illegal fireworks can pose a greater danger because you don’t know where they come from or if they are defective.

If you decide to handle fireworks, it’s important to know what you’re doing before you set them off and follow the rules of safety as you would with any dangerous activity. This includes not drinking prior to use and keeping them out of the hands of children.


As mentioned, children should not be allowed to handle fireworks. This includes sparklers, which many people consider a safe alternative for both adults and children. Unfortunately, sparklers are equally dangerous. They burn at over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to melt glass, according to Keches Law.

Their website also states that, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2020, 900 emergency department-treated injuries were sparkler-related, and 44% of those were children under 5 years of age.

Firework Safety Tips

When setting off fireworks or enjoying them as a spectator, safety precautions must be taken. For example, excessively loud noises can cause irreversible hearing loss. Fireworks are pretty and exciting, but they are extremely loud.

In fact, at close range, they can reach 150 – 175 decibelsThe World Health Organization warns that even one-time exposure to loud sounds can result in hearing loss. When lighting or viewing fireworks, follow these tips:

  • Stand a safe distance away– 500 feet is recommended.
  • Wear hearing protection, especially for children and teenagers, who should wear well-fitting earmuffs rather than earplugs.
  • Avoid the loudest fireworks, including rockets, mines, and ones that have multiple blasts strung together.
  • Only light fireworks outdoors, away from buildings, cars, and people.
  • Any faulty or damaged fireworks should be discarded unlit.
  • Never try to relight a firework that didn’t light.
  • Have water handy to douse used fireworks.

General 4th of July Safety Tips

In addition to fireworks, many folks celebrate the 4th of July with BBQs, pool parties, and other get-togethers. Here are some safety tips to keep everyone safe:

  • Never leave the grill unattended, and keep children and pets a safe distance away.
  • Always have an adult supervising the pool.
  • Make sure children are wearing personal floatation devices when in or around the pool.
  • Keep a first aid kit close by during all gatherings, whether indoors or out.

The 4th of July should be celebrated with family, friends, and fun, but make sure to take safety precautions in all situations. Ensure your home’s fire alarm system is in working order, and keep a fire extinguisher on hand in case of an unexpected blaze.

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Reprinted from American Alarm