real-time monitoring Tag

The challenges of protecting commercial organizations are growing every year. With AI now playing a dominating role, the security landscape is evolving quickly. As more companies begin to embrace AI tech in their security strategies, one trend we anticipate is that security systems will be used more proactively rather than reactively. Looking ahead to 2025, here are some of the commercial security trends to watch for....

The holiday season often means extended closures for many offices. These unoccupied spaces are left vulnerable to break-ins and other hazards that may go unchecked with no one on-site to notice them. Securing your office before shutdown is essential to avoid mishaps and ensure a smooth reopening. Here are some tips for safeguarding your workspace before taking off for the holidays....

The holidays are a time of celebration and joy, but along with the festivities and beautiful decor come safety hazards. Mishaps arise, and potential dangers don’t always occur to us until something goes awry. Protect your family, friends, and home this season by being aware...

Home security systems have come a long way. Today, they can be wired or wireless and can include video surveillance, video doorbells, door and window sensors, motion detectors, and remote monitoring via an app.You may wonder how effective security systems are at keeping burglars away. Here, we take a look at how burglars work and...

Conducting regular fire drills is a must to ensure your employees’ safety. A workplace fire drill helps employees prepare not only for a fire but also for any kind of emergency. Fire drills are planned practices that familiarize everyone working in the building with the sound of the fire alarm and the exact evacuation...

Security should be top-of-mind whether you’re renting an apartment or a house. Your home should be your safe space. Moving into a rental property gives you a lot to think about, but before you start decorating and inviting people over to celebrate your new place, here are...