20 Nov Revere police officers break regulations for charity
REVERE, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) — Some police officers in Revere are paying to break regulations, and it’s all for a good cause.
For a $100 donation, police officers are allowed to forgo the razors and the department’s clean-shaven regulations to grow beards, goatees and other facial hair (well-groomed mustaches were already allowed). That donation will go to the Boston Children’s Hospital Holiday Fund.
Officers who either can’t or won’t grow facial hair are also encouraged to donate.
“It is important to stay connected with the community and it’s good for morale in the police department to relax the rules a little bit for such a noble cause,” said Chief Joseph Cafarelli.
The officers are allowed to sport some scruff until New Year’s Day, when the clean-shaven rule will once again be reinforced.