Boston MA Alarm Response Tag

If you live alone, you’re in good company. More people than ever before are living by themselves:  In 2016, there were almost thirty-six million Americans living in single-person households.1 Compare that with the thirty million in 2006, and we can see the trend is growing....

Halloween is an exciting time of year for kids, and to help ensure they have a safe holiday, here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Feel free to excerpt these tips or use them in their entirety for any print or...

Visitor Management is a hot topic in today's security-focused climate. Unfortunately, incidents continue to occur that force organizations to take a look at their Visitor Management and security procedures and wonder, "Are we doing enough?" Inspired by recent events, many organizations have started to look...

Every year, building operators and security officers spend valuable time and resources planning and implementing dedicated measures to prevent structural graffiti damage. Despite a renewed focus on preventative strategies, reports of graffiti damage in the U.S. have steadily increased. Remarkably, ongoing damage has resulted in...