Security News: How Your Security System Can Save You Money on Utilities

How Your Security System Can Save You Money on Utilities

Security News: How Your Security System Can Save You Money on Utilities

Reprinted from American Alarm

People are thinking about saving money now more than ever. According to Exploding Topics, North Americans account for 40% of all smart home consumer spending. states that at least 39 million U.S. households are protected by security systems, with 11% having access control.

Did you know that you could use your home security system in conjunction with your smart home technology to help you save money? Security systems these days include more than just motion detectors and other sensors to alert you if someone is attempting to break in.

Many now include outlets, thermostats, smoke detectors, and other appliances. Not only can this help you keep your family and home safe, but you can save money as well. Here’s how.

Scheduled Lighting

Lighting can be a great way to protect your home when you’re not there. Having lights on makes it looks like someone is home, and it will be less of a target for criminals. But having lights on all day is going to drive up your electricity bill. By using your home security system and smart home technology, you can schedule when the lighting is turned on and off. Times can be set to coincide with sunrise and sunset.

This can also include your walkway lights, which is a good safety precaution if you get home when it’s dark or leave early in the morning. During the holidays, you can control Christmas lights remotely or put them on a timer using your security system. By using your security system to control lights, you not only protect your home and family, but you’ll save money as well.

Motion sensor lights around your home can help you save money as well since you don’t need to keep lights on for hours on end in order to protect your home. Motion sensor lights are energy efficient compared to traditional lights, which will save you money both on your utility bill and having to buy fewer lightbulbs because they aren’t used as often.

Thermostat Control

A smart thermostat can help you save money on your utility bill by allowing you to control the heat and air conditioning of your home when you’re not there. When no one is home, heating and cooling are unnecessary. On cold winter days, though, you want to return to a warm home. By controlling your thermostat through your security system, you can turn the heat off until you’re on your way home.

According to Today’s Homeowner, using Energy Star-certified thermostats can lower the time spent heating a home by at least 8% and cooling by 10% or more. By combining this with your use of your security system to control when heating and cooling occur, your overall savings can be substantial in the long run.

Smart Outlets

Smart outlets can be connected to your security system, allowing you to control appliances and other electronics that aren’t used all the time and don’t need to be on. This can include items such as your coffee maker, fans, televisions, lamps, and more. Zwave-compatible smart outlets can also integrate with your home security devices, such as alarms, cameras, and locks. By controlling when these appliances and security devices run through your security system, you can save money by scheduling when they run.

By using your home security system to control your smart home technology, you can save money on your utility bill.

NEXT STEPS: Contact Elite Protective Services For All Your Boston Security Needs.