15 Sep Top Tips for Securing Your Vacation Home for the Winter
As Labor Day approaches and you prepare to celebrate the end of summer, it’s also time to close up your summer home for the season....
According to Massachusetts building code, most multi-story commercial buildings constructed or extensively renovated after 2015 are required to include an area of refuge in their design....
People are thinking about saving money now more than ever. According to Exploding Topics, North Americans account for 40% of all smart home consumer spending. Safehome.org states that at least 39 million U.S. households are protected by security systems, with 11% having access control. Did you know that you...
Communication interfaces are essential for managing visitor entry in busy workplaces, and modern technology is making it easier than before. Intercom systems were hard-wired to phone lines in the past, now these communication interfaces function over the internet....
Summer is a popular time to take a vacation, and whether you’re gone for a few days or a few weeks, the safety of your house is always a concern. You might choose to hire a house sitter to stay at your house while you’re...
According to the US Department of Justice, most home burglaries occur during the summer. This is likely linked to summer being a popular time for people to spend more time away. Whether you’re out enjoying the sunshine for the day or traveling out of town for...
Hospitals have dynamic security profiles as they must incorporate strategies for protecting patients, employees, equipment, medical records, medications, and visitors. Because hospitals typically have established security programs, any security partner they bring on for additional support must be able to integrate with these systems. At...
With a mobile credential, an individual can use their smart phone to scan into locked areas where they would have used a keycard or fob in the past. Mobile credentials are becoming increasingly popular in access control systems because they are easier to manage and...
Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but it can also pose some safety risks. According to Forbes, over 1 million burglaries happen each year. This means that once you move, you need to account for the security of both of these homes, at...